Open Access Scholarship in Education from Around the World


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Scriven, Michael (2010) The Calorie Count of Evaluation. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation Volume 6, Number 14 "...(i) a serious and extensive evaluation will generate a mass of valuable evidence that well serves the many functions of evaluation ... even if its core deswign is flawed; (ii) some serious evaluations can establish many or most of their conclusions, including causal ones ...."

Pretis, Manferd. (2009) Early Childhood Intervention in Austria: An Overview of 30 Years of Development and Future Challenges. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education. Abstract: "The situation of early childhood intervention in Austria is described from its beginning in the 1970s up to the present situation and future challenges. (More...)

Mevorach, M., Ezer, H. (2010). The Importance of Change: Changes at a Teacher Education College in Israel: Declared and Perceived Aspects. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership. Abstract: "This study examines changes at a large teacher education college in Israel and considers how teacher educators perceive these changes." (More...)

Nordmo, Ivar and Samara, Akylina (2009) The study experiences of the high achievers in a competitive academic environment: A cost of success? Issues In Educational Research. Abstract: The present paper is a case study that explores the study experiences and possible costs of success for the students accepted into the professional program in psychology... highly competitive environment, between 500 and 1000 students compete for 36 places. (More...)

Featured Open Access Journals

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation
JMDE is published by the Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University. Managing Editor, Chris L. S. Coryn; Editors, Michael Scriven and E. Jane Davidson.

Education Policy Analysis Archives/
Archivos Anal�ticos de Pol�ticas Educativas

Kevin Gorey (2009) Comprehensive School Reform: Meta-Analytic Evidence of Black-White Achievement Gap Narrowing.

Education Review/Rese�as Educativas

Jean Anyon (2009) Theory and Educational Research: Toward Critical Social Explanation. Reviewed by Joseph A. Maxwell

Current Issues in Education

Rub�n Garza, Martha N. Ovando, Claire E. Seymour (2010) Latino and White Students� Perceptions of Teacher Behaviors That Convey Caring: Do Gender and Ethnicity Matter?

Journal of American Indian Education

Enter the JAIE Archives

Open Access Resources for Education Research


(9-3--2010) AERA makes 2010 Annual Meeting papers available to all members online.

(4-30-2010) The English version of the Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society converted to OA. The Italian version is accessible only to members of the Italian e-Learning Association (Societ� italiana di e-Learning).

(3/15/2010) Gargouri, Y., Hajjem, C., Lariviere, V., Gingras, Y., Brody,T., Carr, L. and Harnad, S. (2010) Self-Selected or Mandated, Open Access Increases Citation Impact for Higher Quality Research. PLOS ONE. Articles whose authors make them Open Access (OA) by self-archiving them online are cited significantly more than articles accessible only to subscribers.

(3/2/2010) Journal of African American Males in Education publishes inaugural issue.

(2/11/2010) Richard Hake's compilation of more than 200 Blogs in Educatin and the Sciences, with a bibliography of writings on open access to scholarship

(2/4/2010) Open Access Week (October 18-24, 2010), dedicated to broadening awareness and understanding of Open Access

More Open Access to Scholarship News from Peter Suber

(1/2/2010) Berkeley Graduate School of Education launches open access peer-reviewed Berkeley Review of Education under the editorial direction of doctoral students in the UCB GSE

(1/2/2010) Educational Research, a new Open Access journal of scholarship launched as a joint effort of scholars in the UK and Africa

(1/2/2010) The Budapest Open Access Initiative

(6/19/2009) Harvard Graduate School of Education approves Open Access policy. The faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education voted overwhelmingly at a faculty meeting in June 2009 to allow the university to make all faculty members' scholarly articles publicly available online.

The American Educational Research Association Online Paper Repository

The repository houses unpublished education research papers. Currently, it contains a record of metadata for all scholarly presentations at the AERA 2010 Annual Meeting, plus full-text papers voluntarily contributed to the repository by the presenters. If you are a current AERA member or a 2010 Annual Meeting registrant, you may access the AERA Online Paper Repository:

Visit http://www.aera.net/repository/

  • (March 2011) Noam Chomsky on Education speaking in the Netherlands

  • (April 2008) P. David Pearson discusses the history of education research within the context of reading education at a colloquium at Vanderbilt University.

    Inside the Academy provides members of the National Academy of Education and other distinguished and accomplished educational researchers and practitioners an opportunity to share their passion for educational research in a video format similar to Bravo's Emmy award winning show Inside the Actors Studio.

  • (April 2009) Audrey Amrein-Beardsley interviews David C. Berliner about his life and his contributions to research on education.

  • (Nov. 6, 2009) Adam Gamoran is interviewed about education policy as a new Administration takes over in Washington. Gamoran is a MacArthur Professor of Sociology and Educational Policy Studies at UW-Madison.

  • (December 10, 1997). Address by Carl Bereiter, Toronto, Ontario. "Fusing the Research and Practitioner Cultures in Computer Support for Collaborative Learning"

  • (Apr. 15, 1969) Philosopher of education, college president, and social activist, Harold Taylor addressed an audience at the University of Colorado Conference on World Affirs in 1969 about college student unrest. He compared student movements in America and Europe and spoke about how universities can enable the students to recognize their potential. Enter the archives...